Hey guys, since I have been sick for a few days... my Golden Globes Makeup tutorial had been posponed for the time being. But here is a useful and cost effective way to fix your broken makeup!
I just received some eyeshadow and blush palettes in the mail today that i ordered. Well one of the blush colors came borken :(... so this gave me the perfect idea for my next blog post. Im sure alot of you wonder what to do with broken makeup... so keep reading and Enjoy! :)
Uh Oh! Dont you just hate when this happens to your makeup?! Not only does it make a huge mess in your purse, your makeup bag, drawers ect ect... But who has the money and the time to go and buy a brand new eyeshadow or blush?
Well I have GOOD NEWS! Not only will this trick save you money and a trip to the store, but you dont have to throw out that broken eyeshadow!
Heres what you do first!
Step 1: Take a q-tip and snip the cotton swab off of one end, so you just have the stick part
Step 2: As if your powder wasnt broken enough... you need to break it more! I know, I know.. messy and seems very pointless... but trust me... it helps to fix it!
Step 3: Take some rubbing alocohol, the higher percentage you use the better! (More bacteria fighting)
Step 4: Drop a few (4-5) drops into broken up powder... no need to mix it... the powder absorbs it quite quickly.
Step 5: Take a tissue and a flat object similar in size and shape to your powder that you are trying to fix... for this one I used a quarter
Step 6. Fold tissue in half and place oject inside it, so it forms like a little pouch
Step 7: Press down on top of broken shadow... use a gentle amount of pressure. You are trying to compact the powder back together... You might need to repeat this step another time... depending on how wet the powder
Step 8: Air dry for a few hours... over night is best
*If you want a neat design on your shadow, you can use a quilted paper towel, or even put a peice of lace the tissue. that will give your powders that brand new look without buying brand new makeup!
The reson this works so well is because alot of brands use an alcohol base when pressing loose powder into a compact powder! Neat little tid bit huh?
If you have any questions comment below!
I look forward to hearing from all of you, and thank you for watching! The Golden Globes Makeup Tutorial will be up very soon! :)
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